
• Preheating the road surface is not required
• No minimum road or ambient temperature requirements so pavement marking season can be extended; apply any time of year
• Pre-cut and ready to use out of the box. Simple application does not require major capital investments in application equipment.
• Clean edge appearance; no “alligator” cracking that can occur with hot-applied thermoplastic
• Durable; lasts 6 to 8 times longer than paint
• Minimal mobilization costs allows quick response to maintenance projects
• One year shelf life allows broader options for inventory managment
• Modi es easily in eld with razor knife or heavy duty scissors if required
• Easy to repair if road or utility maintenance requires a portion of the marking to be removed
• Sustainable product with small environmental impact. Recycled materials make up 60% of the product and 29% of the components are rapidly renewable materials, primarily from pine trees. Other natural resources used come from cotton, sun flowers, and soya.

The top surface of the material has regularly spaced heating indicators which provide a visual cue during application that the material has reached a molten state indicating satisfactory adhesion and proper bead embedment has been achieved. The heating indicators also provide a post-application visual cue that the installation procedures have been followed.

Specially made for crosswalks, bike paths, handicap markings and other pedestrian uses, ViziGrip® is a unique feature designed to ensure that skid resistance and retroreflectivity are optimized especially where loss of traction in wet conditions is of great concern. ViziGrip® can be added to any of the PreMark® lines, legends, arrows, and other designs in 90-mil and 125-mil thicknesses.

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