Rental Policy

All rental equipment must be returned clean and in working order otherwise a service fee for clean up and repair will be charged to the renter. All customers who rent must have liability insurance coverage to rent equipment, and name Sherwin Industries, Inc. as additional insured for full value of rented piece of equipment. Proof of insurance is required; and all customers who rent must sign a rental agreement. Renter must have proper size vehicle and tow equipment to tow rental equipment. Sherwin Industries, Inc. has the right to refuse rental if tow vehicle is not large enough, and correct for towing.

* Please call for availability on below units.

Part #Item Description
G1007R500 Gallon Sealer Tank
*G1007300 Gallon Sealer Tank
*S0062RCrafco Model 30 Pavement Cutter with Electric Clutch
NOTE:   With rental of all pavement cutters (routers) the customer must purchase all cutters, pins and spacers from renter.
*S0064RCrafco Melter Applicator
*S0068RTrailer Mounted Diesel Hot Box
*S0069RCrafco Patcher II for Mastic One and Tech Crete Material Trailer Mounted with Diesel Burner
NOTE:   All rentals are plus gas, diesel or propane where required.
*S0072RFour Ton Capacity Dump Trailer
*S0073RHot Air Lance
Used for properly cleaning and drying cracks prior to sealing
*S0078R10 Gallon Mastic Cart
S1701RRental of Lighted Runway Closure Marker (RCM)
Now available with LED units
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