Truck Mount Arrow Boards
- Easy to operate and maintain
- High-output LEDs provide superior visibility
- 13-, 15- and 25-light models
- 5, 7 or 12 arrow display modes see control panel photos
- Positive-drive voltage system applies power to lamps only when lit
- Optional automatic dimming
- Flash rate of 30–40 per minute
- Numerous sizes and mounting options
- Durable finish resists the elements
- Meets MUTCD
W/ECO Folding Frame Arrow Boards
- Superior visibility
- Easy to operate and maintain
- 15-light and 25-light models
- Maintenance-free batteries
- Meets MUTCD
W/ECO Vertical Mast Arrow Boards
- Display panel rotates freely to face traffic, 360 degrees
- Provides a clear view of road workers
- 15-light and 25-light models
- Maintenance-free batteries
- Meets MUTCD